Getting the most out of your recovery


Exercise stresses your system: your muscles, tendons, joints, lungs, blood, even your brain. And when you stop, your body begins to search for its “happy place” where it exists in a more balanced state. In this balanced state, you breathe easy, your muscles begin to relax and repair those tiny torn fibers and your blood flows normally to all of your organs. Continued stress and exertion on your body leaves you open for a host of problems; mainly injuries, tears, sprains, pains, and other abnormalities that could leave you sidelined long-term. Let’s dive into both what you need to consider as you plan your recovery and how to speed up your recovery to get back to your training.

There are several factors that affect the way your body recovers from the active training you do.
One is your age plus is your training level of intensity.
Second is how hard you have stressed your body both during and prior to the day’s workout.
Third is the energy or fuel that’s in your body in both quantity and quality.
Fourth is genetics (some call it luck!)
Finally, the many other stressors in your life play a big part in how your body recovers.

And consider: How much REST do you need between your workouts to recover? What does your body tell YOU?

As with most of our wellness pillars, there is no hard-and-fast rule to recovery. Taking into consideration the factors listed above and your fitness goals, there are a few ways to help your body recover more quickly.

Here are 7 tips to boost your recovery time between workouts:

1. Self-massage and/or foam rolling

Foam rollers are an excellent way to get blood flowing into your already stressed out muscles and to break up scar tissue. They typically decrease the post-workout pain and help you to stay more flexible so you’ll be less open to injury and more prepared for your next session.

2. Cool Down

We typically stretch after workouts, but adding in a “cool down” can increase your recovery speed. A light jog, walk or an easy cycle are all great ways to keep the blood flowing to your maxed out muscles, to help them on their way to repair.

3. Mobility

Adding yoga to my regular training has had amazing benefits to my recovery speed. Even a completely restorative routine has mental and physical benefits that encourage your body and mind to heal. Hanging out in the bottom of a squat, walking and adding some hip rotations, lunging, and forward folds contribute to recovery.

4. Cold Water

Wim Hof can tell you all the amazing benefits of cold water therapy, and one of them is muscle recovery. Cold water exposure reduces soreness, restores force production following HIIT training, and helps athletes recover from their games. Full body immersion is the most effective, but I prefer the simple “finish my showers with 2 minutes or so of COLD water!” 

5. Protein, collagen, hydration

Keep these 3 in check. Are you getting enough protein to help your muscles repair, if you’re not sure, you can try a protein calculator. Take collagen regularly to help repair all those connective tissues, joints, and ligaments. Bone broth, meat, fish are great sources, but supplements are also effective. And make sure your water intake is enough to support your activity level, bodyweight and altitude.

6. Vary your training levels

Consider training in periods where you go hard and fast, and incorporate periods where you back off and go easier in your training. Build in those easy exercise and recovery days in your training program. Keep variability to allow your body to rest and rebuild.

7. Take some time

Take a nice long shower where you just focus on the feeling of the water and the smell of the soap. Take a long scenic walk home. Sit and journal. Savor your meals. Focus on your breath for a couple minutes. Take a day or two between HIIT or lifting workouts to just leisurely walk around. Because any form of stress can affect your performance and recovery, make sure you have some stress relieving techniques in your life to offset the effects of the negative stress around you, including those workouts you love!

Let your bodies heal, ladies. Take care of her so she can take care of you. Love her well, treat her gently and lovingly, so she can take you far and you can get the most enjoyment out of your body and your life. You only get one!

Well Played Wellness

Well Played Wellness incorporates play into wellness through women’s retreats and 1:1 functional health coaching.

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