So you say you want ABs?!

We all have abs, just some of us have abs that are a little harder to find! 

Have you ever heard the phrase “abs are made in the kitchen”? There is SO much truth to that statement. If you are not eating nutrient dense whole foods and doing 1,000 sit ups, junk food will probably hold you back unless you are an 18 year old boy with good genes! 

So what’s the deal with wanting abs anyway? A great deal of accomplishment for starters. It shows discipline, hard work, and you look good naked. Is it worth the effort? It depends who you ask! Abdominal strength is incredibly important for good posture, stability, and movement. All movement stems from the “trunk” of the body, so having a strong core is the best foundation for good movement and athletic performance.

Is there a quicker way to get there? Maybe. Read on for SIX tips on getting that six pack that’s NOT a bundle of Budweiser. 

  1. Cut out all refined carbohydrates, sugar, and alcohol. You will start to see yourself slim down after just a couple of weeks, but should keep going for at least a month to see more significant results. 

  2. Check in on your caloric intake. If you can remain in a slight caloric deficit, your abs will emerge more quickly. DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF. Here is a simple calculator.

  3. Increase your protein intake. To build muscles, you need more protein on board. A good rule of thumb to building muscle is around 1 gram per pound of bodyweight on someone who is in the optimal health weight range. Another calculator! If you find it challenging to meet your protein goals, you may need to consider adding protein powder post workout.

  4. To gain muscle, try lifting heavier. Increase the weight of your dumbbells or the weight you put on your barbell when doing deadlifts, squats and presses. And keep that core ENGAGED while you’re doing these movements.

  5. Make sure that push ups, strict pull ups or chin over bar holds, (check Amazon for doorway pull up bars- so inexpensive!) and planks are all done with tight core engagement.

  6. HIIT training with BCB! These intense bursts of activity and short recovery periods. HIIT keeps your heart rate up and increases fat burning.

Abs are a goal. This goal is one that needs a slow and steady approach. It takes both time and discipline. 

Some other easy peasies: 

  • Check in on your posture. Are you standing upright with your shoulders back?

  •  How about your hydration? Staying hydrated can boost your metabolism. 

  • Cut out the processed foods. This is KEY. If it comes in a bag or a box and can live in your pantry for weeks on end, it will probably not help you in your goal of abdominal domination.

  • Stay connected to your WHY: Why do you want abs? There is no wrong/bad answer!!

Well Played Wellness

Well Played Wellness incorporates play into wellness through women’s retreats and 1:1 functional health coaching.

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