How to Set Yourself Up For Successful Home Workouts


I know that many of you have made the transition to at home workouts. And many of you are like, NOPE! Not gonna! Well if you are on the fence, and thinking you might want to give it a try, let me share with you some of the benefits, some of the pro-tips to set yourself up for success, and some of the reasons why you should reconsider and start working out at home, at least for now.

Let’s start with the BENEFITS

  1. It saves you TIME. This bonus I didn’t really consider before I started, but once I did, it’s like I found an extra hour in the day! The time getting ready plus driving plus (sometimes) dealing with snow… dropped to next to nothing. You’re also saving the environment (no gas) so good job!

  2. Moving on to MONEY. Local gyms are around $150/month. I also have had punch passes to take various yoga or Pilates or spin classes which were roughly $18/class or $180 every couple of months. For me, this number is cut to one tenth of the price with online offerings.

  3. Obviously: GERMS. Right now, that’s a big old hot-button, and I’ll just leave it at non-issue with at home workouts.

  4. Next, it’s FLEXIBLE. I’m able to listen to my body and do yoga, HIIT, lift, or bootcamp when I feel like it rather than someone else’s schedule. I can workout at 5am or 3:30pm or midnight! I’m happier and more productive and it’s all on MY terms.

  5. Finally, PRIVACY. I can workout naked, not that that’s my jam just yet. There are no distractions or people wanting to chat me up. I don’t have to brush my hair or teeth. I can leave my video off (ok, maybe not as the instructor) but YOU can! 

Let’s move on to the HOW. Maybe you don’t feel super disciplined, but with a few tips, you can be the master of your at-home workout ROUTINE. To be successful in working out at home, you will have to exercise more discipline because you’re not feeding off of other people’s energy. Let’s think through what can help. 

Pro-tips for setting yourself up for at-home workout success:

  1. Get in touch with your WHY. What motivates you? Why do you want to better yourself? What do you want for your future self and health? Why?

  2. Make a PLAN. Think through logistics like where will I workout? What program will guide me? (BCB, please!) What days are best for me? What time of day will I work out? How will I stick to my plan? What will remind me why I am doing this? What reward might I give myself for sticking to it?

  3. Set your GOAL. How many times per week do you want to work out? Write that down. Write it down and try your best to stick to it. Make it as SMART specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time sensitive as possible. Hold yourself accountable and envision your success.

  4. TRACK your progress. This is the fun part! Give yourself a gold star, a checkmark, a smiley face each day that you hit your mark. Watch them add up and feel proud! Celebrate your progress.

  5. Have a BACKUP PLAN. Unexpected events in life HAPPEN. Give yourself room for grace and to NOT throw out the entire plan if you miss a day. Do you have someone to hold you accountable? Can you forgive the unexpected event and move on and restart tomorrow? 

Unfortunately, the truth is we will likely go back into sheltering in place at some point before this winter is over. Even if you don’t plan on working out from home just yet, start to think through what it might look like for you. You never know, it might be a fantastic experience for you!

Well Played Wellness

Well Played Wellness incorporates play into wellness through women’s retreats and 1:1 functional health coaching.

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